Course | |||||
12. Advantech Internal Employee Training / 12.2 SBU_IIoT_Internal Training RS232 與 RS485/422, CAN
USB | |||||
... / EKI-271X Series Setting Introduction (00001750)2.1 Network Communications / 2.1.1 Product Technical Courses_Basic SUMMARY
In this course, you will have a fundamental understanding of Advantech's EKI-271X series of switches and learn to configure them effectively.WHAT WILL YOU LEARN
1. Understanding of 802.1P Class of Service (CoS)
2. Knowledge of... | |||||
物聯網技術概論 (AIOTFD_01) ... | |||||
物聯網感測與控制系統 (AIOTFD_02) ... | |||||
物聯網裝置與嵌入式系統 (AIOTFD_03) ... | |||||
物聯網通訊網路 (AIOTFD_04) ... | |||||
物聯網連結網路 (AIOTFD_05) ... | |||||
物聯網邊緣運算 (AIOTFD_06) ... | |||||
物聯網與雲端運算整合 (AIOTFD_07) 根據IDC (International Data Corporation) 預測,全球的物聯網裝置將成長到416億,而每年產生的資料量將突破79.4 ZB(zettabytes)... | |||||
物聯網與人工智慧整合 (AIOTFD_08) ... |